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As one of the largest providers of benefit consulting and administration services to Southern Ontario for more than a decade, we help you to take advantage of our flexible solutions to develop pension, health and group benefit strategies.
Insurance products, including segregated fund policies, are offered through Horizon Financial Group Inc., and investment representatives Marc Sayer, Valerie Sayer, Conner Anastakotos, offer mutual funds and referral arrangements through Quadrus Investment Services Ltd. Any activity in relation to the titles of President and Chief Investment Officer and Vice President and Senior Financial Advisor, are in related to insurance business only and is not the business of/or under the supervision of Quadrus Investment Services Ltd.
Accessing Corporate Earnings
/in Blog, Business Owners, corporate, life insurance /by Horizon FinancialOne of the financial planning issues that business owners face is how to access their corporate earnings in a tax efficient way. Please contact us to learn how we can get more money in your pocket than in the government’s.
CERB transitions to NEW Recovery Benefits and EI
/in 2020, Blog, Coronavirus, Coronavirus - Associates, Coronavirus - Practice Owners, Coronavirus - Retired, Coronavirus - Retiring, Coronavirus - Students /by Horizon FinancialOn August 20th, the Federal Government announced the extension of the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) by one month and the transition to the Canada Recovery Benefit, Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit, Canada Recovery Caregiving Benefit and a simplified EI.
Details of the EXPANDED Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy
/in 2020 Only, Blog, Coronavirus, Coronavirus - Practice Owners /by Horizon FinancialOn August 11th, the Government of Canada updated the calculator and with the changes to the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS).
If you’re a business owner who has suffered losses as a result of COVID-19 and did NOT qualify previously for CEWS, you may now qualify.
6 Steps to Retirement Success
/in Blog, Business Owners, Family, Investment, Retirees, rrsp, Tax Free Savings Account /by Horizon FinancialRetirement planning can be challenging, we’ve outlined what we feel are 6 steps to retirement success. Talk to us about a complimentary comprehensive review of your retirement plan.
Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy expanded to include more businesses!
/in Blog, Business Owners, Coronavirus, Coronavirus - Practice Owners, corporate /by Horizon FinancialOn July 17th, Finance Minister Bill Morneau announced proposed changes to the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) that will expand the number of businesses that qualify for the program.